And although the portrayals of several in-game leaders are based on their real life appearances, the in-game Prime Minister of Italy and the in-game Prime Minister of Japan bear little or no resemblance to present or recent leaders of either country, but this could possibly reflect the frequent leadership changes that happen in both countries.

Other inaccuracies are in the portrayal of people in-game, for example, Indians and Pakistanis are shown to be White people. In the game Cebu City is positioned on Bohol island and not on Cebu island, while Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand is shown in-game as on the South Island as opposed to the North Island in real life. Some cities were also incorrectly positioned such as Cebu City in the Philippines. Western Sahara and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic are completely absent from the game, instead showing Morocco filling the territorial claims of both entities.
#Rulers of nations torrent download full
Rulers of Nations Game free Download Full Version. However, the real-life Taiwanese military presence is portrayed as a Taiwanese foreign military base in Philippine territory placed on and named after Itu-Aba. The entire Spratly Islands in-game are shown to be under the full control of the Philippines, without recognising Taiwan's, China's, Vietnam's, Malaysia's or Brunei's claims at all.Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands are shown to be sovereign states, and although non-playable, are not in any way related to the in-game United Kingdom, and thus not affecting in-game Spain–United Kingdom relations or Argentina–United Kingdom relations respectively.The Senkaku Islands are portrayed as controlled by China, except for South Korea being shown to occupy the waters up to Socotra Rock.Northern Cyprus is shown as wholly controlled by Cyprus, despite real life de-facto rule by the unrecognised state of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.Nagorno-Karabakh is shown as wholly controlled by Azerbaijan, despite real life de-facto rule by the unrecognised state of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.Kosovo, which is shown as an independent state even if it is not recognized by Serbia and large number of countries in the United Nations.Kashmir, which the game shows as wholly controlled by India all the way to the Afghanistan border, recognizing China's claim, but not the real life «Line of Control» or Pakistan's claims.Territorial disputes in Rulers of Nations are merely shown as a cause for poor bilateral relations, while one of the claimant countries having full control of the region.